Friday, October 15, 2010

When I grow up I want to be just like..... McCall! :)

Every little girls dream is to grow up and be a wife and a mommy.  I love my mom to death and am so thankful for all that she has done for me.  She always provided for me and took care of me no matter what had to be done at work or at home.  Even though I am no longer a little kid and am reaching the days that I have to provide for myself, my dream is still to be a soccer mom.  AND who could be a better role model for that?  The one and only McCall Aldridge.  (If you haven't checked out her blog.. YOU SHOULD...  She is an amazing, strong, christian woman.  She has a wonderful husband that leads their family. She is an amazing mom and so creative.  I just love her.  She is so stinkin cute.  And did I mention those wonderful children of hers?  They are almost cooler than she is!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Lady In Waiting!!

It has been quite a while since I have uploaded a blog.  It seems like this semester has been a constant circus, full of chaos and confusion.  Now that I have taken my last midterm, I feel like I am FREE! It feels oh so good. 

I have been struggling with a lot of things lately.  One of these things is my walk with the Lord.  It has definitly suffered.  I have been allowing school, work, friends, sorority, etc. to fill my time instead of letting God fill my time and letting the rest of the things fall into place.  For the last month this has been my goal.  To allow God to consume me and my time.  I know that I don't have to spend every free moment I have talking to him, but I WANT TO!!   I want to be in a true authentic relationship with him.  AND I must say that this has been the best experience I have ever had and the best relationship I have EVER been in.  Now that I let him consume my time, I can fill in things such as school, work, and friends and even when I am doing those things I am still focused on him and thinking about him.  It actually feels like he is my one true love now.!!

I started reading Lady In Waiting and it is amazing.  Another thing that I have been struggling with his BOYS! Who needs them?  Not me right now :)  I had been trying to fill that emptiness and loneliness with guys and couldn't figure out why these relationships weren't working out, but Monday night God made it so clear.  HE was the one that was ending these relationships and not allowing them to go any further.  He was stepping in and stopping me from making a mistake!! I AM OH SO THANKFUL FOR THIS, even though I wasn't at the time when I didn't understand.  Lady In Waiting has made me break my Alabaster Box at the feet of Jesus.  It is showing me how to completely give it all over to God and not allowing anything else to come in the way of me and MY BRIDEGROOM!!  He is the only thing that will ever make my happy or satisfied.  I hope that some how or some way the things that the Lord is showing me will help someone else!! :) Have a blessed day!!